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Just SOME of what you get! ⬇️
The tools you need to increase your faith and confidence, manage your time, fine-tune your study and exam day strategy, and improve your legal writing so you can pass the Bar exam!
Immediate, lifetime access to the 3-Step Blessed & Barred
Bar Exam Success System modules (Start With Your MAP [Mindset, Affirmations, and Prayer], Tame Your Time: Time Management & Productivity, and Strategize Your Studying)
Blessed & Barred
Bar Exam Writing Workshop and Blessed & Barred
Bar Exam Legal Writing Checklist so you can score more points on every essay & MPT
Identify your Bar Exam Blessing Blockers
and Bar Exam Blessing Activators
Blessed & Barred
Bar Prep Bootcamp & LIVE Group Kick-Off Call in early May and early Dec. to kick off your main Bar exam study season w/ guidance & momentum!
A private
Blessed & Barred
Bar Exam Success System community where you can find potential study partners, ask questions, and get answers so you don't have to go through Bar prep alone!
Bi-weekly group coaching Q&A calls with the B&B coaches Roberta and Arti, and monthly Q&A with Roberta and her husband, a licensed psychotherapist, to cover any academic, emotional, mental, spiritual, practical, etc. blocks that may come up!
Study Halls/Co-Working Sessions weekly
Periodic Progress Check-ins every week
And much, MUCH more!
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